Saturday 22 May 2010

Now what?

After a very stressful, very demanding time in my life I found myself resting for a few days with really nothing much ahead to have to think of...
And everything is organised, everything has a slow pace, everything is just not a source of worry... and I find myself wondering where all the big problems I couldn't get my head around just a few days ago went...

When all is suddenly still, after the world was spinning so fast you felt mildly sick just trying to keep your head above the water, you can't help but ask "What now?"

No more exams to prepare, no surgery to think of , no hospitals shifts to attend, no lectures to follow...
And your mind is free to actually look objectively at all those little issues that came with the "big guns" and that added to the stress and that obviously had NO solution no matter from how many perspectives you tried to look at them.

And now they're vanished... or better they're still there but they are not menacing anymore...

Now it's so clear what is the right thing to do, now that the walls have been teared down you realise your strength, your place, your path...

And the only acceptable answer to the "What now?" question can only be "Now ME!"

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