Wednesday 17 September 2008

The price of commitment...

How hard is it making a choice between 2 things which are really, REALLY important?
How many other times will I have the opportunity to compete in the European Championships of First Aid?
And how many other chances will I get to become a doctor?
And how do you chose which one is the best opportunity?

It seems a pretty straightforward choice and yet it isn't...

Yes, I have chosen to become a doctor (if I fail any of my exams I would only be able to blame the fact that I didn't concentrate too much on studying) so I have to eliminate any other distraction.
But not "any" distraction, just the best one, the one I was really looking forward to, the one that comes rarely and will never repeat again, not with the same people at least.
So I'm letting down friends... and though I pray they'll understand my reasons, I still feel horrible for leaving my team!

On the other hand though, what am I supposed to do?
Risk failing the only chance I have to pass my exams and become a doctor because I preferred First Aid training rather than study?
Or maybe be perfectly prepared for the exam but not being able to sit it because something happens and I am not granted a resit?

Commitment sometimes begs for a very high price to be paid, and not always pays you back.

I hope this won't be my case...

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