Friday 12 September 2008

The story

I’m reading a book…
I’m reading a book that hasn’t got an end yet…
I’m reading a book that, according to me, has an amazing potential…
I’m just wondering if you would tell the author when the point he’s making isn’t a point really…
When something is misty, funny but not appropriate, childish or even too profound…
Would you tell him?
Would you risk breaking the author’s dream to make sure that the book turned out at its best?
Or wouldn’t you?
Because then you wouldn’t really be the author’s friend, would you?
Or maybe is because you are a friend that you wouldn’t say?
Most of the pages start quietly, but then they awake and they take you on a journey and you can see ahead, possibly even more ahead than the author himself can...
And you’re excited, proud, anticipating the next step up… only… it’s not a step that comes…
Would you dare make a comment?
And if you did dare, how would you word it?
And if there weren’t any words to say it gently, would you hit the author with the truth?
So I have a dilemma…
I’ll wait and keep on reading, wondering when I should really say and not just go along with the flow of the story…
After all, the only thing I am interested in is the success of the book...
Because this book is the story of the author himself…

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