Wednesday 2 June 2010


I've been away for a few days because my life has been so busy.

I have been seeing friends, sleeping, cooking for Scotland, sightseeing and especially I've been applying some changes to my surroundings. There is something quite therapeutic about change itself... particularly for a girl.

Normally when some events of a certain magnitude happen, some things that required a considerable amount of energy spent -whether physical or emotional- to counteract the effects a girl will go to some sort of extremes (changing the haircut/colour according to research being the first!)

You'll be relieved to know that I haven't done anything to my hair (well, got the highlights touched up but that was already on the girlie "to do" list!) but I have been emptying my closets, moving furniture around, refurbishing my bedroom and changing some of my habits.

Too many memories of what was before are not good especially if one is after a new beginning.

So in came a new mattress, bedding, mirror, and an amazingly gigantic print of the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset which brings a smile on my face just by hanging over my bed.
My hallway is now full of bin bags, ready to be delivered to charity shops, packed with old clothes that don't fit anymore or that just haven't been worn for a long time and some have already been replaced with new, happy, summery ones (and shoes!!!)

I have taken to go for long walks, I have missed being outside the 4 walls of my flat so much.
Don't take me wrong, med-school is fantastic, but it sucked my life for the past 7 months and now I'm just ready to take advantage of every single free moment I have and dedicate it to myself!
I finally am back to my wonderful healthy diet of home cooked meals and I've left behind corrosive energy drinks and awfully caloric chocolate bars... Now I bake my own treats!!!

I have never suffered of low self esteem, and for this I have to thank the good foundations that my family has given me while growing up, teaching me how to always feel proud of myself even if things didn't work out the way I wanted them to, just as long as I had given it my best... and since that's what I do, I have no regrets about anything that has happened in the past months.
But I can tell you something, it is great to walk around holding your head up high, taking life on and being able to see change not as the end of something bad but as the beginning of something great!

Amongst all of these changes though is good to have some strong anchor points, things that you know you can rely upon and won't change for a long long time so I thought about my family, my friends and then I took a picture of my new bedroom layout and felt so happy to see my cheeky cat Sushi being the same old poser always in the middle of everything... Certainly I will always be able to count on him for a good laugh when needed! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently the future starts now. Good luck to us all.