Saturday 5 June 2010

Stupid law...

Sometimes we all come across some kind of rule that we find stupid, it happens to everyone at some point or another so tonight, just for the fun of it, I have decided to look up stupid laws...

I have to say, I guess whoever makes laws must have smartened up and made a few changes since I wasn't that impressed with what I found but 3 very special ( STUPID) ones got me really giggling.

Here goes:

Stupid law number 1 ~
It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament in England

Reason for this is apparently that the Parliament is a Royal Palace so anyone kicking their bucket in there technically would be entitled to a state funeral.
Does that mean that if you look a bit sick they carry you out quickly? "Sorry sir/madam are you aware that it is forbidden to die in here?" Oh dear England!!!

Stupid law number 2 ~
In the Netherlands you are allowed to smoke cannabis but not tobacco (in public places)

Really?! YES!
There is a very strict zero tolerance to tobacco smoking in Dutch cafes and restaurant since a ban came into force in 2008. Apparently this law was written after a guy got fined by the local police not lighting a hand rolled cannabis joint... the fine was applied not because he was smoking but because the police found some tobacco mixed in with "the grass"...
Talk about being liberal!!!

Stupid law number 3 ~
Tibetan monks need permission to reincarnate

In one of history's most absurd acts of control over Tibet, China banned Buddhist monks from reincarnating without government permission.
No, this didn't happen centuries ago, the law was written by the State Administration for Religious Affairs in 2007.
I'd like to see exactly how that can be enforced... and how the high officials may explain a beautiful sacred animal passing by and obviously blowing raspberries at them!!!

Where is this world going?!?


Anonymous said...

I hope they don't dish out the death penalty to Tibetan monks who reincarnate without permission, because the punishment would just cause them to do it again...

Dona said...

That's just too funny!!!