Saturday 5 June 2010

I'd like that job!

Well, everyone knows that being a student is not exactly the easiest life, especially if like me you're a mature student and you have to get a grip on your own...

You don't get a pay cheque, (yeah, SKINT is the word!), you have long summer holidays but may have to work during them, you may have to resit exams, your diet consists mainly of beans on toast and your healthy sleeping patterns cease to exist (for whatever reason that is!!!).

I remember when I left school one of my teachers said "You'll miss these days of being a student, it's pure bliss!" Ahem... I don't think so!!!
Don't take me wrong, I am a student now and utterly love it, but it certainly is not because the student life is easier than the working one.

And to prove my point I have shortlisted a few jobs I have thought I could see myself doing for quite a long time should this medicine malarkey not work out...

First of all what about that guy who won the race to become the caretaker of that paradise island in Australia? I could do that! Swim in crystal water (hey, I'm a dive master!!!) blog to promote the area (I'm definitely a blogger!!!) and relax at the spa (not sure I can cope with that but I'm willing to give it my best shot!)
£111,000 for 6 months of this torture? Yes please!!!

Then I read about this girl from Birmigham who has landed the dream job (literally!!!) to test designer beds everyday - £1000 a month...
Such an effort really, having to spend every single night in a bed manufactured for the Savoy hotel and then blog about the experience, not only about the quality of the bed, but also looking into what brings a good night sleep. Blogging again? Bring it on!!!
This is actually something that I could do whilst being a med-student.
Studying all day and working all night... quite a hard job but I feel I could devolve myself to these obligations oh so well!!!

And then my absolute favorite: candy tester in a sweet factory!
The job entails tasting secret recipes... I've always wondered how it would feel to be like Charlie at the Wonka's Factory and this would give me the chance to know... Heck, I would even do it for half the pay cheque provided they did give me free access to some kind of gym during my free time (you know, just to keep fit for the job!)

Again I could combine work and studying. What better way to describe how good a sweet is than by explaining the joy it brings in depressing moment such as exam revision time?!
I'm not sure if this is the best job but it's definitely the sweetest!!!

See? There are alternatives to depressing jobs and sure enough I want to be a doctor and will give it my utmost but, in case things shouldn't work out for a reason or another ...I HAVE OPTIONS!!!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Haha fantastico, nel caso non dovesse funzionare per me, ti rubo l'idea: l'assaggiatrice di caramelle è il lavoro più bello che abbia mai sentito! x°D