Saturday 5 June 2010

Brush your teeth or you'll die!

Oh well, that sounds a bit extreme doesn't it?!
Imagine a mum using this sentence while trying to convince her kids to brush their teeth before going to bed... What about a little chat with social services about motherly attitude?!?

Truth is though that, however small the overall risk deriving from poor oral hygiene, it has been proven once again that there is a very strong link between people who don't brush their teeth and heart disease.

As a matter of fact, the results of the latest and greatest study here in the UK, found that people who rarely or never brush their teeth are 70% more likely to suffer heart diseases as those who brush twice a day (all of this even when keeping into consideration, smoking, dietary and lifestyle habits)

The offenders are also more likely to test positive for proteins linked to inflammation, which plays an important role in clogged arteries.

Now, as a kid I was never too keen in listening to mum shouting at me when I "forgot" to brush my teeth, but growing up things change and you realise that stinky breath is not one of the qualities the guy you really like may find particularly attractive!!! So, morphing into the lovely, stylish me, I did end up making a date with my toothbrush and toothpaste every time I eat something...

However, stinky breath is one thing and heart disease is something a bit more serious (even if on the long run the 1st one becomes kind of annoying!!!)...

So yeah, please, make good friends with your toothbrush, if not for your health sake at least for those whom you talk to during the day!!!


Anonymous said...

"Brush your teeth or you'll die"?

I have a sneaking suspicion we are all going to die anyway.

Dona said...

Sssshhhh Andrew!!!
Don't spoil the surprise or the kids won't brush their teeth anymore!!!