Tuesday 12 May 2009

Of being 'tired like a carpet'...

Yes, we do say that in Italy...
Yes, it is a quite common colloquial expression...
Yes, it means exactly what it says!

A few days ago I was exchanging comments on my Facebook profile as all sad, ahem, I meant normal people do and I happened to assert in Italian to a friend how I do indeed deserve my holiday in Mexico because, after such a long and difficult year, I feel "tired like a carpet".

Another friend was puzzled by the comment and figured that the translation from Italian couldn't possibly be right. But it was...

And so I found myself explaining how carpets are notoriously known for laying flat on the floor... hence the expression 'tired like a carpet' when you are so tired that all you want to do is to behave likewise!!!

Yes, we Italians have some funny expressions...
Yes, I love it...
Yes, this is definitely one of my favourites!

So I would indeed say that this picture is iconic in capturing the essence of being "Tired Like a Carpet!"


Dona said...

at any age you can always lern something!
I did not know that "tired like a carpet" was an Italian expression. Probably is common for your generation.
I was accustomed to use " to be treated like a carpet" with the meaning people are crushing their shoes on the person.

Dona said...

Are you implying you're old daddy???

Ruth said...

I love this expression and intend to adopt it into the Scots (not English!) language.
BTW that photo is exactly how I was feeling earlier today!

Dona said...

hahaha... That's awesome Ruth... intercultural expressions!

Hope you're more like your usual self than like a carpet now... though the picture is precious! :-p

Ruth said...

I'll need you to teach me how to say it in italian so I can impress/confuse people ;-D

Dona said...

For sure, you'll be a hit! ;-)