Wednesday 24 June 2009

Meet Pablo...

I have written about this on my Facebook status but not everyone can read that and it's such a funny story that it is calling to be told... so here it is...

6.15am is the time I get down to the pool since the day we arrived here in Cancun.
It may sound like awfully early in the morning but honestly, it's the same as 12.15pm in the UK so it's not so bad, actually, it's a heck of a lay in!

So, 6.15am I pick up the pool bag that I packed the night before with sunscreen, sunglasses, a bottle of water, room key and a book and make my way down trying not to wake up hubby.

The main reason why I do it is to get the best place by the pool, where it's sunny throughout the day and quite close to the bar (for hubby's sake!) and also to get one of the few floating mats that are available. They disappear pretty soon so I make a point of being there early to get it.

So early in the morning there is nobody around, the sunrise is gorgeous, rays of light breaking through the clouds and birds chirping with sounds I had never heard before.
So early I keep on napping on the pool chair and hear conversations between staff members... the few that are already working... That's how I met Pablo, the pool man.

I heard someone calling him one day while I was half asleep, that's how I know that his name is Pablo.
He is always there when I arrive.
Pablo cleans the pool, that's the only thing he does... all day long!
He uses a kind of machine when it's early and nobody is yet in the water and then later, once the sun is high and actually being in the water sounds like a wonderful relief from the liquid gold he goes in and, armed with a sponge and bucket, he scrapes all the walls down to get rid of the suntan lotion that plasters itself on the tiles... all day long!

I look at Pablo and think he looks pretty content with his job, he always smiles, a very funny crooked smile. He doesn't say much, not sure if it's because he's shy or because he thinks the only thing I can say in Spanish is "Hola Pablo", I have never really figured it out...
But we have formed a really cool bond that goes like this, every morning at 6.15am

"Buenos dias senora!"
"Hola Pablo"
"Oh... gracias Pablo!"

And that's about it... Pablo disappears and, though I honestly doubt that his duties include being my butler in the morning, he does it.
I tried to tip him a couple of times for such dedication to customer service but he refused and then looked so embarrassed that I gave up... I just smile and thank him profusely. That seems to do the trick.

Throughout the day he passes by my chair, nods and says "Senora" kind of acknowleging the fact that I'm there... "Pablo" I answer, kind of doing the same.

And so it went, day after day after day of my holiday...
Till 2 days ago when Pablo handed me my coffee coming from the left side of my pool chair rather than from the right as he usually does.
This new position allowed me to see something and made me freeze.
WHAT?!? How did I not see this before???

I looked at him and, after having turned of a funny shade of red with shame I asked him in Spanish "Is your name Rafael?!?"
He looked around like somebody caught with the hands in the cookie jar and nodded.
Just that... Not an explanation of why in the world he let me call him Pablo for 11 days without ever correcting me!
And what did I end up doing? I broke out in the loudest laughter you have ever heard, thinking what a Muppet I was and this melted "Pablo" too and he started smiling, and then a bit wider, until when he ended up bent in hysterics as well with me and in broken English he told me "I like Pablo"

So after we finished our fit of laughter he went his own way, back to scrub the side of the pool

And this morning it went again...
"Buenos dias senora!"
"Hola Pablo"
"Oh... gracias Pablo!"

Both of us still laughing... guess it will be "Pablo" forever now!


Anonymous said...

You and your silly mistakes Dona. What have I told you about that?


Dona said...

hahaha... Dear Andrés, I guess certain things will never change!

This was really funny though... :-D