Friday 25 September 2009

One week on...


After having wished for the moment I would start med school to come for what seemed to be an endless summer, a week has already passed and things will start to get serious from next Monday!

So how was my first week at St Andrews?

Well, I have to say:
"exciting" coming from the realisation that I am a proper doctor in training now,
"brilliant" thanks to all the new friends I have already made,
"inspiring" after all the talks from our lecturers and presentations of the university,
"a bit of a drag" after we have heard the same rules explained several times in a row though I supposed that, since it's quite important that us doctors behave professionally, it doesn't hurt to repeat them just a few extra times
"happy" because I am finally doing what I have wanted to do for just about a lifetime
"daunting" as of course pressure was put on us to perform to the best of our abilities
"fattening" thanks to the several social events that were organised to socialise with our classmates.

All considered, despite having to part with some blood to be tested for some diseases to make sure we're fit to practice, I am still living a dream and it's unlikely that this feeling will change anytime soon!

So bring on the real clinical stuff from next week, see the "baby-doctor" (as we have been defined by our lecturers) grow into someone that will be able to make the difference in people's lives...

I am ready, loving it and rearing to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is just so cool to see you finally standing at that door! Gives cynical old me goosebumps. Push at the open door and enjoy.