Wednesday 29 July 2009

The "tragicomic" things of life

Despite the title this is quite a sad post... A post that describes how disconcerting certain things can get...

Last night I got a call to go out and support a fire victim through a British Red Cross service we offer in conjunction with the fire brigades.

On arrival the fire was extinguished, the old lady whose house went up in smoke was with a neighbour and a friend looking after her and all that was left from the horror was just a river of water running from her flat, the charred walls and an acre smell of smoke.

Tragic - that something like this was done on purpose!
Tragic - that this poor lady has endured molestation from this other person for over 20 years.
Tragic - that there are people out there that would go to any extent to get what they want and when they don't succeed they retaliate in the most awful way.

Comic - it was done by a guy well past his 70's who apparently wants an affair with her!

Don't find it comic? I did...
As a matter of fact I had to get away from the scene to go and laugh quietly for a moment.
You don't understand? I'll explain...

Providing this service we see horrid things, families left without anything but the clothes they are wearing (sometimes not even much of that), people who are left stranded, with no place to go they can call their own, sometimes rejected by relatives because of a baby or a pet they have (yes, it has happened right before my eyes!) shivering in the cold, 90% of the times it happens while it's raining as weather doesn't care about poor people out on the street...

Most of the times we have people in our van, we give them what we can, keep them warm, listen without interrupting because from a starting silence a flow of emotion (and possibly tears) usually erupts.

But tonight I heard the story of this lady who was at the Bingo with a friend and came home to find her flat grilled by an older guy who just can't bare to be rejected... I was very supportive but then I left.

This is my way of coping with what I saw, we all have one...
Some of the fire fighters were discussing exactly the same!
Stereotypically a man like this should be at the pub with mates, or walking a dog, or betting on football as the greatest thrill but no, for passion he set fire to his "object of lust" 's flat...
Good grief!

Don't judge me badly... The private chuckle wasn't due to lack of respect for the lady (that's why it was kept private for starters) but my way of dealing with these things I face as I provide support to people...

Once home I took a shower to get the smell of smoke out of my hair and thinking I would have never seen the day in which I would be thankful for Bingo Halls but there it was, that day...

And another smile surfaced safe in the knowledge that at least the lady was unharmed though she didn't win anything...


Jac said...

oh my! ha...

Dona said...

I know, eh!?!

Dona said...

Hi Dona,
do you know something?
Here in Lerici the same thing happened a couple of months ago. The rejected would-be boyfriend set fire to the house where his sweethart was living at night with her inside.
She could escape, but the only thing she could save was the pajama she was wearing for the night.
They both are in their 40's.
He is nephew of a Bishop!

Anonymous said...

Well you young ones, I have reached the age where I am no longer so comfortable with people laughing at "old folk" having a love life. It just seems too close to people laughing at me, these days... and at my lady. Mind you, my lady has perhaps been laughing about it for some years now. But trust me, there will come a day when your attitude to what is "too old" for all that stuff will change dramatically, and will keep changing every year. And that day will arrive much sooner than you expect. And why should youngsters have a monopoly on stupidity? Still, arson is going way too far to keep the flames of passion alive!

Dona said...

hahaha Andrew...
First of all there is quite a bit between you and a 73 year old guy, second, I was appalled at the lust-fuelled arson fire rather than at the desire of an affair!
Frankly speaking I do hope to still have a kick in that sense when I'll be that age!!! On the matter of stupidity I believe there is ample proof around that youngsters and older alike share the privilege!!! :-D