Friday 4 March 2011

The strange case of the UFO and the time gain

Have you ever seen a UFO?
Do you even have an idea of what it may look like?

I remember when I was just a little girl, I felt quite disappointed when my dad explained to me that actually UFO wasn't a synonymous of alien space-ship but instead was simply the acronym for unidentified flying object... the definition kind of make it lose all of its charm, don't you think?
Or at least it did for me...

I remember then years later when the TV series "The X-files" came out, there had been a huge surge in reports of UFO sightings, first in the USA, and then in many other places as the series reached other parts of the world...
One has to wonder how easy it is to condition somebody's mind but anyway...
I came across this piece of news today and thought it appropriate to share it here...

It was an unseasonably mild night in late October, in Barnes, south-west London, when Mr Man (I have just decided to call him like that!) took to his garden with a drink defeated by the impossibility to get to sleep...
Apparently, after a few moments of peace, he heard the distant roar of engines getting louder and louder and saw a huge UFO passing right over his house, heading west at great speed.
Mr Man described the craft as a "cigar-shaped vehicle with large projectiles on each side like wings and it seeming to have two very bright lights at the front and a white light flashing round and round underneath", he went on saying that he believed having seen coloured lights at the end of the projectiles and also a line of lights (windows maybe???) along the side but he wasn't quite sure as he was terrified!!!

Mr Man thought of calling the police right away but then decided to leave it to the next day and return to bed where, surprisingly for someone suffering from severe insomnia, he fell asleep immediately.

Well, after such an experience, the morning finally came and he decided to write a letter accounting everything to the Ministry of Defence.
In this letter he also expressed the belief of having been abducted because when he woke up, he realised he had gained a whole hour (the same one he had spent the night before out in his garden pondering the UFO appearance)

Should I really give away the fact that the MoD wrote Mr Man a response explaining that the clocks had gone back the night of the sighting and that would explain his gained hour???

So the poor Mr Man was deprived of his "close-encounter" experience... no real UFO, no need to panic, no abduction... Imagine the disappointment!

Oh, cheer up Mr Man, we're all thankful here, at least you have given us a good giggle!!! :-)

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