Thursday 24 February 2011

Of being a woman...

A few things have happened since the last time I wrote, a few new experiences, a little more time spent thinking, considering, where the world is going, how things are evolving around me... and noticing how some of the things I sometimes take for granted aren't like that anymore...

Have I been missing so much just by being busy?

One of the things I have been observing is that there is now the tendency for women to take up more and more of the manly traits...

My question is "why"?
Since when cussing is ok for a girl? Not like it's ok for a guy either but... really, how did it become "cool"?
Since when getting so drunk you can barely walk is funny?
Since when getting into rouchy sexual conversations is acceptable? ... and then of course ending up complaining that we weren't treated with the respect that we expected...

Where are the days when girls were excited and cherished the idea of wearing stilettos and a floaty skirt? I'm seeing less and less of that...
Mind you, jeans and t-shirt are comfy, still, you can make that look really feminine and graceful too!
Yes, even if you are a mum, a career woman, a teenager or an elderly woman... that's the point, you're a GIRL!

But more than anything I have noticed how women now want to be in control of everything, they want to have the last word, they won't accept a man paying for their dinner, they'll purposely walk ahead of them opening their own doors, they'll even dismiss compliments.

"What? You like my dress? Oh, it's nothing!"
"You think I'm pretty? Yeah, I should lose a bit of weight..."
Doesn't a simple "Thank you" followed by a big smile sound better? Because if every time a guy pays you a compliment you turn it down he won't make the effort anymore... would you?

It's not about being weak, it's exactly the opposite... it's about being courted, it's about making the man do what he was born to do, being the hunter!
You're the peak of the highest mountain... have you ever really seen a mountain bending to accommodate a rock climber? Unless it's the famous mountain that goes to Mahomet I don't think I have ever heard of any!!!
You are strong, unmovable, but with a wonderful, enticing allure that a man has to discover... let him work for you!

Being the "prey" is fun, is coy, is mysterious, is a game, is a privilege!
Being taken care of is good... it doesn't diminish your femininity, if anything it enhances it.

No wonder guys don't bother with that stuff anymore, we do all the work for them!
And then arrives the famous cry of: "where are all the good men?"
Ahem, I guess they are scared of approaching!!!

Girls pursuing guys with phone calls, incessant texts, over functioning... take a break, close your eyes, remember you're a precious, beautiful being, you were created to be just that!

Don't behave like if you were for every one, you're not! You're only for the ones who care enough to show you that you mean a lot to them, for those who will recognise the woman in you... breathe in your femininity... and let it shine through and be proud of it...


Anonymous said...

If only more women would realize how true what you say is!!!

Anonymous said...

Being a woman today is no easy task. Not that it ever was, and history teaches that, but nowadays it's even harder. It's not about having your nails polished and your shiny new purse to show off, that for sure. It's not about being a prey anymore, that's pre-historic junk. It's about being able to balance a new active role within society, hard work and so on, with our traditional one, which is to manage relationships. It's about being a silent queen, taking care of it all. No wonder few females can call themselves Women today!