Friday 12 March 2010

Cat Nap!

Have you ever fallen asleep at work, at school, at a rock concert?
Well, believe it or not, I've done all three!

And lately I've been struggling a bit to keep my eyes open in the afternoon, just after lectures, when the lunch break has finished and that amazing concept that is the afternoon siesta seems such a wonderful idea... after all I'm Italian and we do that at home!

So I've delved into some serious research of why (besides the gruesome exam revision schedule I've compiled for myself) should I feel so tired always at the same time of the day and see if I could find a reasonable answer.

Well, it turns out that "It's all part of your body's biological circadian rhythm that defines your sleep and wake cycles," says Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist, board-certified sleep specialist.
According to Breus, your body experiences a drop in core temperature and mental alertness about eight hours after awakening; this is similar to what you experience before bedtime... it's science!

So it's not just me being lazy
But why Nap?

I find out that naps have been shown scientifically to benefit almost every aspect of human wellness, from lowering your risk of heart disease and repairing cells to the more obvious ones of lifting your mood and stamina, knocking down stress and making you more productive. And because naps can do that they can help you live longer, stay more active and look younger....

Nap to stay young?! That's an argument I'll support!!!
But there is more...
Apparently brain activity stays high throughout the day with a nap while without one, it declines as the day wears on and napping benefits don't even stop there!

By sharpening your motor skills and neuromuscular coordination, napping can make you better at just about anything you do, from dancing and playing the piano to driving a car, making quick decisions, responding to stimuli or danger, exploring the Internet, and typing frantically on a computer like I'm doing now...

Behold the power of napping!
So the nap is making its case as a beneficial part of our UK culture too!
Whether you call it a cat nap, power nap, kip or siesta, you can now have a true scientific reason to go to Sleepytown, population: YOU!

And if those around you give you much grief, suggest that someone sounds grumpy and needs a nap.
Anyway, researching this article was exhausting -- I think I'll grab a little shut-eye joining my 3 kitties that have already adapted delightfully to my new findings and are enthusiastic supporters of these new ideas... yawn... Goodnap.


Anonymous said...

If that is one of the benches in Princes Street Gardens then that is one heck of a scary big kitten! Just as well it was napping... probably having just eaten the little old lady who had been sitting on the bench.

Dona said...

Nooooo!!! Poor old lady... :-(