Wednesday 14 October 2009

Medical update...

Almost three weeks in and going crazy!

It's all good fun, loving the lectures, enchanted by the practicals (though most time I'm told to shut up not to spoil it for those who don't have much knowledge of first aid!) and bored by hand washing but understanding it's quite essential...

Workload: HUGE!!! If one takes it seriously of course...
I suppose my commuting back and forth from Edinburgh doesn't help either...

Thank goodness for amazing friends who offer me a place where to stay when it's needed and for those who offer to cat-sit when I do have to take up the offer of a place to stay.

Anything changed from the beginning? Yes and no...

Yes, I have made so many more new friends. Some similar to me, some very different, all of them enriching my experience in med-school!
In the space of three weeks I think I have learnt so much new stuff I couldn't even fathom to fit in my head but, lo and behold, it fits!!!
I've become an expert in tissues, bones, joints and muscles though I know that in a few weeks I'll look back and what is considered "an expert" tonight will be a beginner then...
I love that my lecturers start to recognise me... A few know me by name, by the fact that I am the crazy one commuting from Edi and the one they have to hide from if they see me in a corridor as I'll occasionally surprise them with random questions!!! :-) But I know they love it, really!!!

No, the fact that I still feel like I have won the lottery by entering here is still very much the same. Just tonight I read an article stating that this year about 30,000 students have not made it into university for lack of places... But I'm here...
The will of working hard is still very much present and growing with every new exciting thing we learn. I do tend to get a bit lost in things I find interesting rather than focus on the task we are given but that's just me and I suppose becoming a doctor requires having an inquisitive mind so yeah, I'm exploring my new realm now... I'm tired, a lot, oh but it's worth it!
We have to do loads of reflecting writing, I do reflect so much for that and then I don't feel like reflecting for the blog anymore but one day I'll look back on what I'm writing now and I'll smile... Can't certainly put on my reflective pieces some of the stuff I write on here...
It's good though, it helps me to consider a lot of things under a different perspective!

So all in all everything still shines... let's hope I'll feel the same after seeing my mid-semester assessment results!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear the positive update. Back at "The Nursery" in Perth we do worry about how our kiddies are getting on in The Big School :-)