Friday 6 March 2009


I know, I know... I have been absent from the blog for ages!

No, I don't have any excuse for it... I could say as usual that I was busy (and I was...), that I had exams (and I did have...), that I was not in the mood (and I wasn't...) but I suppose the real reason I haven't been writing for a while is that I got lazy.

I got caught in so many things to do and need for rest that given to choice to update my blog or sit with a book I have chosen the latter many a time over blogging...

But at college we have been asked to keep a reflective diary and also I got told form some of my friends who are ahead of me in the medical training that, once at university, keeping a reflective diary is quite mandatory so I have decided that blogging equals reflecting and I have resumed my writings for the joy of my fans! LOL...

College is going ok, I don't even want to go and talk about the exams that are creeping up because I'd just sit and cry so I'd rather pretend I'm ready for them (...or I still have enough time to work on what I need to know) and make crying sounds a last resort...

We have started clinical placement at the hospital. FANTASTIC!

I have been one of the lucky ones allowed to go in an area I was interested into...
I am in surgery.
So, the first day I arrived, I got sent to the changing room, given a set of greens (scrubs!) and chucked in an operating room... Thank goodness my friend Nina was there with me.

To be honest we were both quite disappointed we didn't even feel a bit faint or anything... I'm not sure if it's because we both watch Scrubs or ER but it was a breeze!

The second time we were sent to an orthopedic theatre where they repair joints. We only saw two surgeries rather than the 5 we assisted to the first time but they were brutal!

Still... not even a grossed out face!
Not when the surgeon started to use hammer and chisel on a full open knee and not even when he cut open a patient shoulder to remove a cyst as big as an egg!

Nina and I both watched with a big grin on our faces... go figure...

We got asked to reflect on what we would have done different but what am I supposed to say?

I'm not a surgeon, not yet and maybe never will be so what would I have done different?!
To be honest I had a great time and, if I really have to pick on something the surgeon did, I suppose I would tell him that I thoroughly admired his skills but he had to trim his sideburns... they were atrocious!!!

And this is all from the operating room so far :-)

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