Thursday, 18 August 2011

Keep your cavities to yourself!

Here comes again, the subject of teeth cavities!

Even after having warned you already on the dangers of not brushing your teeth, I felt it an obligation to share also this very essential piece of news with you...
I quite frankly think it may change your view on a few things!

Everyone knows you can catch a cold or the flu...
Most likely you wouldn't be going to visit any of your friends who displayed high temperatures, a runny nose and cough...
But would you visit a friend who happens to have a cavity?

Well, as things stand now, I will certainly visit but with precaution! This because r
esearchers have found that not only is it possible to spread cavities, but it occurs all the time.

While candy and sugar get all the blame (BAD chocolate bar, BAD!) , cavities are caused primarily by bacteria that cling to teeth and feast on particles of food from your last meal. One of the by-products they create is acid, which destroys your teeth enamel.

Just as a virus can be passed from one person to the next, so can these cavity-causing bacteria.

The most famous culprit is this dude called Streptococcus mutans. And with a name like that you sort of already know he's going to be trouble!
Infants and children are especially vulnerable to it, and several studies have shown that most pick it up from their carers...
for example, when a mum tastes her child’s food to make sure it’s not too hot.

Now, at my not so young age, nobody tastes my food to make sure it's no
t too hot, but obviously there are issues between couples.

“In one instance, a patient in her 40s who had never had a cavity suddenly developed two cavities and was starting to get some gum disease,” one of the dentists participating in this study said after she learned the woman had started dating a man who hadn’t been to a dentist in several years.

So my dear readers, to reduce the risk of inheriting somebody's cavities I recommend you make friends with an awesome flossing and brushing technique, and start chewing sugar free gum as it promotes saliva and washes away plaque and bacteria.

I can do without people tasting my food to make sure it's ok but I can't quite say the same of a boyfriend!

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