Monday 27 June 2011

Passing on the knowledge...

With my exams done and the major stress left behind, I packed my bags and went to Italy to spend some time with my family!

For those of you who don't know this, my dad is a super-active person always up to something (I wonder who I've taken from!!!)And in fact, true to his reputation, he had arranged for me to deliver a couple of basic first aid courses to kids in the local primary school.I gladly agreed because I love children and of course, I think that the sooner first aid is taught to people, the better it is!

So off I went to class with the little ones...
Teaching to children is very different from teaching to adults...
Attention span is much shorter so you always have have to be on the lookout for signs of boredom and change your strategy as well as making the class extremely interactive.

These kids though were fantastic, wanting to participate in all activities (well, past the 1st moment of shyness, that is!!!) telling of all the accidents, of all the people that they have know for all of their lives... and how funny were they!!!!
I heard about people cut with a chainsaw, burnt to death, fallen off the stairs and broken every single bone in their body... Gotta love kids and their imagination!!!

I spent in all about 8h of my holidays passing on the knowledge and yet I feel like I have gotten from these kids more than they have gotten from me.
The laughter, the passion, the light-heartedness that so often we leave behind growing up.
They made my day special and, in passing on a very little portion of what I know, I found out that I received back many folds more...

I left between hugs and requests of coming back....and a few days later my dad was given by the school drawings of the ambulance, of the contents of the 1st aid little case we gifted the kids with and lots of short little messages for me, thanking me for the fun they had, for what they learnt...

The thing that made me smile the most though was that on my way out of the school, I overheard some of the parents talking between them and discussing first aid things they had learnt from their kids the day before...

Go kids go!!! :-))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
