It's quite hard to explain how we endure this kind of lifestyle... I guess we are used to it by now...
I study, volunteer, read, watch movies, teach Sunday school, learn to play the piano, write a book and see friends all here in Edinburgh... He works in India 6 months a year!
On top of that sometimes he goes off to do some temp work... I suppose it's my fault since when I'm under exam I reckon I must not be the most chilled person walking on this planet :-S
I see my husband a total of 4 to 6 months a year which for some people would be impossible to bear... but we make it... and possibly it's the reason why we're so strong together as we try to make the most of the time we have.
This summer is going to be special, we have the whole two months together to enjoy. For the first time since we met 4 years ago there will be absolutely NOTHING to do but enjoy each other's company...
No exams, no clinical placements, no problems, no work... Just me and my best friend!
I can't think of anything better, and I smile at all the daft things we'll end up doing.
We seem to always end up laughing about anything... or to tell the truth I get all uptight about stuff and he just tells me "yes dear" and pulls a funny face which inevitably ends up in a massive laugh.
Our life is perfect the way it is, though people most time don't understand it.
We have time apart and time together, we give each other space but at the same time we experience life together, we're on equal levels and follow each other's lead when necessary.
So I have a big grin on my face today, Stuart is coming home and we have an amazing summer to share before life goes back to normal... or at least to what it's normal for us!